Change has often been influenced by artists, creatives, Bohemians, and dreamers who themselves have paved the way for others to succeed. We are artists, creatives, managers, administrators, and performers who have meticulously dedicated ourselves to our disciplines and craft.

During the pandemic, when live stages had gone dark and performances were cancelled, we found an opportunity to move up, adapt, and evolve into an ever-changing digital space full of opportunity. We needed a way to share the performing arts through social media and on the digital stage, and after months of testing, our team honed the most efficient way to deliver the arts to the masses. This is when Bolero was born.

We arduously worked on algorithms that would access arts lovers and found audiences who had yet to be exposed to the arts. We experimented with different types of video and static content, and tested social media strategies that would keep followers and new audiences coming back for more.

Over 300 million impressions later, Bolero has become an industry leader in social media marketing and influencer management. We have expanded into numerous industries including food & beverage, healthcare, retail, and B2B. Each member of our team is dedicated to an individual discipline—hours of hard work, practice, creativity, passion, attention to detail for perfect tuning (music), successful phrasing in time (voice), artistic shots and compositions (photography), and memorable connections with our audiences. Combined, our team comes together and dedicates itself to your Brand’s success.

Welcome to Bolero!

The word “bolero,” commonly known in Latin music tradition as a love song genre, has another meaning where our team found inspiration. In Mexico, “bolero” is used to describe someone who shines shoes for a living. A shoeshine is someone who works long, hard hours, and creates a comfortable, welcoming, and relaxing environment to help people look their absolute best as they go throughout their day. A bolero shines shoes for a living, but he does much more than that: he makes clients feel taken care of and develops a close relationship with them as he helps them shine. One step at a time.